Listening Within

I have an Apple Watch.

I have the fitness setting set to the highest JUST to see what it takes to close the rings…

Turns out it’s a lot; but that’s another story.

Being involved with the “spiritual industry” basically means the weirdos find me, which is fine because I am one as well. This guy I call Trophy Husband came into the bar and told me that his co-worker’s car battery died and she was trying to charge it with her crystals (A fellow weirdo, I presume). While, I’m not THAT far on the weirdo spectrum some of my friends are.

Meet Rah. She’s an energy healer mainly using breath work. She’s also a conspiracist. She saw my watch one day and asked how I could wear such a thing. “It’s bad enough the smart phones are listening to everything we say and now you’re basically wearing a tracking device.”

I told her that I bought it in case my kids need to reach me. I can wear it in my yoga classes, in case the school calls and on the rare occasion my husband is sleeping and the kids need me they can get a hold of me. Plus, I like the fitness challenge I’ve set.

She said that she’s so irritated with all the people that wear fitbits and other fitness trackers, “WHY can’t people just listen to what their body wants and move in to honor that?”


She has a point.

When we stop listening to what our body craves whether that be food, movement, breath we begin to stunt our internal voice. That voice that has ALL of the wisdom we seek, if we can silence our mind enough to listen in. Without that inner wisdom we are all operating in the dark.

I came across this statement: Universities educate our minds at the cost of our bodies, where we sit completely still for days, months, and years, training ourselves for sit-down jobs that continue to ignore the body’s needs.

What if we turned our electronics off?

What if we actually listened to our body and moved when we needed movement, ate food that nourished us, felt the emotions of being human…would that make us more compassionate people? Would we come from a place of understanding rather than judgement?

We need to stop comparing our lives to the “highlight reels” people post on social media and see the abundance WE have.

How many Highlight Reels do you see that are from people you ACTUALLY talk to regularly?

Put down the comparison tools, step outside, soak up the sun and listen within.

Even if it’s just for today, MOVE in a way that honors your body. EAT in a way that nourishes your body and LISTEN to the wisdom within.

Let’s stop “connecting” over text messages and start sharing our real lives in person.

Have the bad day, share your experience, I can guarantee someone needs to hear your struggle rather than see the bullshit highlight reel you project.

While you’re at it, please STOP the fucking diets that AREN’T working and eat the damn cookie! Years from now, when you look back at the big picture will you remember the cookie – the treat – or will you remember the sacrifices that weren’t getting you to your goals?

We get one chance at this life. I’m not going to sit here and pretend I know what I’m doing. Instead I’m going to give it my best go. Ride the ups and downs like a roller coaster master. I’ll feel the feels and share the experiences when I’m able because with out connection the worlds a lonely place and I happen to like company.

So, who’s with me?

Are you going to be a truth teller or a highlight reel show-er?

Choose wisely, Jes xoxo

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