Holiday Cards

‘Tis the season for the backs of doors and fronts of fireplaces to be adorned with holiday cards and the annual family letter.

I was admiring my friends collection of letters/cards when it brought up an interesting conversation.


After we moved here my mom would write out cards and letters to our friends from Colorado. They too, would send us Christmas cards and letters of their families adventures throughout the past year. It was my favorite way to hear what everyone was up to.




My mom would open up a Christmas card from Julie and inside would be filled with tiny glittered trees, snowman and Santa’s. No matter how many years in a ROW Julie would send these cards my mom fell for the glitter every time. Months after December she’d still be picking up mini trees that fell between the cracks, making her think of Julie every time.

Julie is a flight attendant (is that even politically correct anymore?) she always had the BEST letters of her travels around the world.

This week, I was telling a friend about it. She mentioned not having such a fond experience with the cards. In fact she said, oh…you mean the bragging letters.

Bragging letters?

She then explained her experience. Sure, they got the letters…but their letters were VERY different.

Their family friends included bits of how Tommy was going to Harvard. Joey is being scouted by the NHL and little Jenny got first chair in the orchestra. She went on and on about all the bragging people did EVERY year!

Then I realized I send a letter with my cards yearly.


I HAD to ask her if my letters come across as bragging.

She assured me they do not.

This particular friend is a truth speaker, of course I initially believed her, but you can bet your ass the FIRST thing I did when I got home was reread this years letter.

Sure, there are the ups of the little one being a pretty good goalie, but there are the downs of big one getting a black eye in September and suspended in late October (details in a separate blog post), there are the uncertainties of a company being sold and the continuous change of my job roles.

Bragging? Nah, I think my friend is right, the big one ISN’T going to Harvard this year…but there is always next year, right?! 🤪

Yes, it’s EXTREMELY hard to get the men to NOT make weird faces in photos…

Much love, Namaste,

Jes xoxo