My favorite thing about being a parent is the camaraderie and story trading with other parents.
It just a relief to hear that your little asshole isn’t such an asshole. And sometimes it’s nice to let other parents know that their little asshole could be a bigger asshole, like your kid can be!
Ahh…parenthood, it should come with a disclaimer that you will be blamed for losing their prize possessions and the only thing they want to know is what’s for dinner. Parents-to-be or aspiring parents, you have been warned…
I met up with our Football Mom Squad for bingo on Friday. We swapped some stories about the boys, their girlfriends and things we may have heard through the rumor mill.
The conversation turned to the dreams our sons have for the future. One of the dad’s has said that he’s going to go to college with his son, they can dorm together and try out for the football team as a dynamic duo. That mom was basking in the glory of having an empty place all to herself where she can sleep soundly and not have to deal with two men on ADHD meds. We asked her how uncomfortable her son would be if he came back to his dorm that had a sock on the dorm door handle.
Her cheeks blushed and we laughed.
Another mom said that her son seems content to take over a landscaping company he currently works for during the summer. She wants him to dream BIGGER.
I told her that I was also surprised that is his goal. My son had confessed earlier to me that his bestie was “settling”. My son is constantly trying to convince his bestie to dream bigger. He keeps asking him why he would want to do manual labor. He tells him they have to work smarter, not harder and hire people to do the manual / boring stuff.
My oldest has his head FULLY above the clouds dreaming away… and I support it. I LOVE that he has thrown all limits out of the window. Limits just don’t apply to him.
Back when I was a kid there was a day girls could get an excused absence from school for ‘Take your Daughter to Work’ day. While it was nice to have a chance to see the work force, you were really pigeon holed into what your parents did for work. My dad worked in a factory on a mill and my mom was a stay-at-home-mom. Every time it was Take your Daughter to Work Day my dad would take the day off and we would work on one of the two side hustles he had. Sure, I got to see what it was like running a small business and keeping customers happy, but it was not even close to what I wanted to do for work.
Nowadays, people can just do whatever they want and make money off it.
My friend was telling me today that she can’t believe what kids WANT to watch on YouTube and how dumb it is but there is money to be made doing it. LOTS OF MONEY. Money can be made through so many different avenues; like making crazy faces and talking to stuffed Llamas.
If you want to own a company, that’s great, but remember DREAM BIG. We live in just a tiny dot on the Earth (stole that quote from the Football Mom Sqaud). There is SO much out there to see and do. Don’t let someone else’s maximum potential be yours too.
Dream Bigger.
Don’t settle.
I used to read this poem to my kids every night before bed. Maybe my oldest listened.

It’s never too late to DREAM BIGGER.
Jes xoxo