Lately on our family walks my hubs and I have been chatting about work reviews.
‘Tis the season.
My hubs has a new boss and his last judge of work behavior was so brash and unobservant he’s looking forward to this year’s review. I, on the other hand, have had the same boss for quite a few years now. I anticipate getting the best review of our team (insert own horn tooting here). It’s why I haven’t looked hard for another job. I know my boss will give me a great review, therefore the best raise I can get is under her wing. If I change teams / leaders than I’ll have to prove myself which could take a minute and lets face it… why not make the most money you can make.
Kids hear EVERYTHING. Even when you don’t think they are listening.
Our oldest is seeking band members. Where he can’t find people he’s attempting to teach people the parts so they can fill in and complete the band. Our youngest has always had a natural beat. The first time he sat at the kit, he impressed us with an on-time beats. In trying to live up to his brother’s standards he’s taking drum lessons.
During a walk, our oldest was criticizing us on how we allow the little one to game on the weekends instead of practice drums for hours.
He went on,
and on,
and on,
and on about it.
I tried to explain to him that when he was that age, he too gamed and it’s likely a phase that the little one will grow out of.
Our eldest wasn’t having it. I don’t know if you have kids, but it’s so interesting how wrong you can be without even knowing it. Once you have kids they are NOT afraid to let you know how “wrong” you are.
That’s exactly what he did for the next half mile.
Toward the end of his rant he said, “that will show up in your parenting review”.
UMMM WHAT???!??!?!
Annual work reviews I can understand BUT a parenting review from the kids perspective?!
Yikes. I have NO idea what to expect. He told me he’d have it to me by Friday, while it was late (I didn’t receive it until yesterday) I’m nervous to open it.

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the things that SHOULD be in the review that probably aren’t. Did he put in that wake up early to make sure all the devices are charged? Did he comment on how his breakfast is waiting for him when he finally rolls out of bed? Did the times I had to physically RUN his water bottle and mouth guards to him (because the parking lot was closed) make the review? Or the after football lunches for the bus? What about his laundry being done, or helping with his hair in the morning?
Sure I have downfalls but is my review all bad?
I can’t bring myself to look.
At this age it’s all about him. He’s told me on numerous occasions that HE’S the main character in MY story, not me. If that’s true from his point of view, my review is fucked.
I’ve been reflecting on this quite a bit and until you do the job, you can’t really judge someone on it. Even if you participate in the “parenting” role every kid is different and he won’t ever know what it’s like to be a mom or to parent HIM. I will take his comments with a grain of salt BUT I will accept the feedback. His voice is important (even if I might not like what he has to say🤣).
The actual review:

Hopefully YOUR reviews are amazing this year!
Jes xoxo