Take the Nap!

My grandmother has lead a really interesting life.

My Grams

She was born in the rural small town of Little Falls smack dab into the middle of a family of 11. While her siblings settled in Minnesota, my grams wanted more. When she was 20 she moved to California but on a routine home visit she met my Gramps and left California in the rear view mirror. It wouldn’t be long before they would leave Minnesota in the rears and grow roots in Michigan.

Settling into a house on 7mile in Detroit with bars on the windows, my grandparents would have 5 babies, only 4 would make it to adulthood.

My grandmother has always been a go getter. When I was younger we would go on walks together. She never allowed me to go until she was certain I wouldn’t hinder her on her 10 mile jaunts. When walking became too difficult on her aging knees she switched to a stationary bicycle instead.

In the last few years she’s had to stop working out because the cortisone shots aren’t helping her knees anymore and FINALLY allowed herself to put on a few pounds.

My grandparents still live in their retirement house, a four story house 35 miles north of Detroit.

She’s gone through a LOT in her years, though it was recently her birthday she only claims 39 years.

I called my Grandmother last week. She sounded like she was napping. After about 10 minutes of sleepy conversation I asked her if she was napping she adamantly denied it.

It got me thinking…If you from a certain generation when do you allow yourself to take a rest when needed and not have shame associated with it?

Is my grams ever going to allow herself space to rest?

In California


I don’t remember how long ago I started this post, but it’s been 3 years since my grandmother has passed.

I miss her




One of the last times I saw her, we were going to go pick up some things at the store for dinner. She ALWAYS went with but this time she said she was going to stay back and rest. It took me by surprise BUT I was so proud of her for standing up for herself and knowing what she needed.

That day we lingered a little longer than we would have just to make sure she got extra time to recharge before we brought our rambunctious boys back to her.

Nowadays, on the weekends if my body needs a little extra rest I listen. The go getter my grandma was WAS impressive but taking the nap left a bigger impression.

Also, take the pictures, have conversations and ask the questions. My grandmothers passing brought some skeletons out of the closet. It’s possible that an open, honest conversation could have set them all free.

Set yourself free and be well, after a nap! 😉


Jes xoxo