
A friend of mine’s work trip was recently postponed due to a tropical storm and it reminded me of a conversation I had not to long ago.

Someone asked me if I knew what a Fujiwhara was.

I did not, do you?

She went on to explain that its when two hurricanes collide, it appears as if they are dancing leaving a wake of chaos in their path. She joked that that’s all 2020 needs to be complete, but it got me thinking isn’t that what 2020 has been like? Maybe not via Mother Nature’s way of showing chaos but most people I’ve talked to have had quite a bit of mayhem in the last 10 months and are looking forward to 2021 more than any other year.

The turbulence on me alone this year could have caused a head injury if I wouldn’t have stayed grounded.

Between Covid, promotions, shift changes, distant learning, family health issues, career change and disarray that is the world right now, how better to describe what is happening other than a Fujiwhara?

The dance of the hurricanes, although destructive is quite beautiful.

In the aftermath, as I pick up my puzzle pieces called life, I am realizing the pieces are dual sided and I don’t have to put my life back to how it originally was. I can put it back together however I see fit, and there is a sense of wonderment in that.

And maybe we all needed a little bit of 2020 to get ourselves grounded and present in our own lives and allow gratitude to encapsulate us.


Jes xoxo