Rock your weird.

I married a class A weirdo.  If you have ever met him, you know I’m not lying.  If he isn’t trying to convince me he was an opera singer in his past life by singing opera style music at the top of his lungs then he’s contorting his face and holding the face poses until I comment.  The face contorting is usually a road trip treat and I will admit that I often wait a VERY long time to look and sometimes I even secretly hope that his face gets stuck in that position.

If he doesn’t make me laugh he usually makes me smile.  There is the occasional eye roll but that’s generally after he uses the same material over and over.

The other day I was chatting with my friend about the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.  We started chatting about the book but mostly about Elizabeth and my friend sent me this video of Liz talking about her husband.







I consider myself a fairly serious person.  I like talking about and sharing ideas.  I like goal digging and having an intention for the day/month/year.  I like the romantic notion of hand holding and deep talks about what you love about your mate over a glass of wine.

So how then did I get this guy?
Rock Your Weird













Luck.  That’s how.

Much Love,

Jes xoxo