I don’t feel ready for this year. Time is consistent, it passes whether you’re ready or not. Now it’s day two of this New Year and I’m just not ready for it. Besides biking across MN, running virtual races and paying off a credit card I will also keep this list in mind. This […]
Un-becoming in 2015
The New Year. As the worst year of my life rounds out to end, I think not of the struggles that have dragged me down but of the battles I conquered. A friend of mine sent me this quote… It just makes so much sense to me. I don’t need to BECOME anything. I already […]
Blood. It’s kind of gross, and a necessity. Yesterday I decided to complete one of my Day Zero goals of donating blood. While I was in the American Red Cross bus I was immediately surprised by the amount of things that make you ineligible to donate. Traveling to other countries, tattoos and piercings (all within […]
Following Footsteps
My dad is a guy’s guy. Mr. Fix-it, Dr. Dad, Jack-of-all-trades wrapped into one 6’2” package. He doesn’t hire out he fixes or invents a new workable solution. He’s stubborn, thinks he’s always right (which most of the time he is) and he’s the most generous person you’ll ever meet. As it turns out, if […]
One Up
Everywhere you look everyone is trying to one up each other. My kid’s an honor student, my dad is stronger than your dad, ect… Some people may not even say it but if you tell them an accomplishment of yours right away their mind goes to a better accomplishment they have achieved. Why is that? […]
- Finding Zen
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A little after motherhood is when I noticed that me had left. Now I’m trapped in this parallel universe somewhere between the life I have and the life I feel I should have. Claustrophobia isn’t an issue because the space between the two lives is immense. How does one stray so far off the path? […]
- Finding Zen
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One Legged Yogi
I love the idea of Yoga. Probably I’m infatuated with the practice. Who doesn’t want to be fit, tone and all bendy and stuff? Often I picture myself as a yogi, just trapped behind this thin shell waiting to be cracked open. Monday I was slightly fractured. Because I didn’t have to pay for daycare […]
Respecting Elders
My parents taught me to respect elders, no matter the age difference. Everyone has something to share that you could potentially learn from. Saturday I was at a Christmas party amongst elders, chatting with this really fun woman about 15 years my senior. This woman is pretty amazing; she’s had some hard times, but ALWAYS […]
My husband told me
My husband told me today that I talk about doing, more than I actually do and I quit working out at the exact time that the reps matter the most. The most disheartening thing about both of these statements is they are both T.R.U.E. He’s right. I’m guilty as charged. Lock me up and throw […]