
I do not believe this to be true. When my parents moved to Scandia there were two established families down the country dirt road from us. One family, older than my parents, had a set of boys younger than my brother and I. The couple across the road, my parent’s age, had a girl and […]


I’ve never been very flexible.  In grade school sitting criss-cross applesauce was a challenge that I just gave up on.  In High School during the Presidential fitness test, I passed everything but the sit-and-reach.  All I needed to get was one inch past my toes.  I tried 4 times and my best result was zero…the first […]

Meditation Monday – January

This year, one of my focuses will be meditation.  I’ve tried some guided meditation and visualizing but this year, I want to try more of the traditional meditation.  Each month, on the first Monday, I will post the meditation I’ll be focusing on for the month.  Please, feel free to join me! *           […]


I forgot how skinny felt.  There is a quote I’ve seen around, probably on Pinterest, that says, “Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels”.  That never really made any sense to me.  Maybe because I’ve been blessed with height and weight just doesn’t look the same on me as it might look on other people.  […]