It’s happened…

It’s happened.  My motivation has left my body.  It’s not for lack of results, because they are clearly there and I feel so much better but my dear friend packed up and moved the F out.  I can’t say I’m too surprised I wasn’t treating him very well.  I would make him wait until the […]


This morning I had a heavy heart.  A two pounds heavier heart than I had last week, which made weighing in a difficult thing to take this beautiful chilly morning.  I was letting myself get disappointed when I realized something.  This is not a quick fix.  This not something a band-aid will fix, THIS is […]


I was one of those girls you probably hated in high school. Not because I was mean and popular but because I could eat anything and loose weight. I have always eaten whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. When I was pregnant I didn’t look pregnant. My stomach looked more like two chipotle burritos stacked […]

Happy New Year!

I don’t feel ready for this year.  Time is consistent, it passes whether you’re ready or not.  Now it’s day two of this New Year and I’m just not ready for it. Besides biking across MN, running virtual races and paying off a credit card I will also keep this list in mind.   This […]

Church Going

I am a churchgoer. I have been for a long time, but I rarely talk about it. Mostly because I don’t know many bible stories and I haven’t ever been confirmed. I was born in Colorado, and lived in an extremely small town. The town had maybe 6 families living there. (I was young; I […]


How do you get it, sustain it and why does it seem like the people that should have it don’t and the people that shouldn’t have more than enough? My girlfriends and I used to meet for a monthly dinner and drinks date. We’d fill everyone in on what’s going on during the appetizers and […]