Back in July there was a Fierce Forward meet up. It was a day of bootcamp, yoga, walk of intention, vision boarding, picture taking and closed the night out with dinner and drinks. It was incredible. Every single woman there was extremely different but there we were, together, moving fiercely through whatever life was throwing […]
Finding Zen
There are lessons to be learned everywhere. A couple Wednesday’s ago, my littlest one had his tonsils removed. This particular hospital did the surgery’s in order of youngest to oldest. This worked out great because my little guy could sleep on the way to the hospital, wake up, get checked in, have the surgery and […]
Holla for the Mala
Mala’s and Meditation go together like cookies and milk. Since meditation is something I practice regularly malas have become a slight obsession. Because I’m feeling craft these days, I decided to make one. Well one became some and I don’t really see an end in sight. Inspiration for a new one always comes to me […]
I forgot how skinny felt. There is a quote I’ve seen around, probably on Pinterest, that says, “Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels”. That never really made any sense to me. Maybe because I’ve been blessed with height and weight just doesn’t look the same on me as it might look on other people. […]
The Rockshow
As fate should have it I am an extremely lucky person; always in the right place in the right time. One of the most memorable of these times was the Minneapolis music scene in the early 2000s. That was, without a doubt, the most magical time for music and I was lucky enough to be there […]
- Finding Zen
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Last week, after my Tuesday night yoga class, I was complimented on my balance. The woman who complimented me ( a friend of mine) said that she was watching me during class and I have great balance. I was elated. But it got me thinking… Everyone that practices yoga is, for the most part aware, that […]
- Mind/Body
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There are Fit chicks and skinny chicks, they are very different. The other day a friend of mine and I ran into a super fit chick. It was during a yoga in the park session and this girl wasn’t overly flexible but her muscles were SO toned. After the yoga session my friend and I […]
What’s SUP?
Yesterday I tried my first ever SUP (Stand Up Paddle board) and because I’m kind of a “Go Big, or Go Home” person I entered a race without ever being on a board before. Granted the race I entered was only a 1.5K but I thought that would be far enough considering I wasn’t sure […]
- Finding Zen
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I can’t remember the first time I put a penny on a set of train tracks, waited for a train to run it over and then went back to find it. I don’t remember where we were or how old I was but I know my dad is the one that took me. Every time we go up […]
Positivity Challenge – Fierce Forward Style
I’m pro positivity and have been for quite some time. It’s not an easy feat. In fact it’s a struggle sometimes but all the same it’s worth it. Well, my girl over at Fierce Forward is launching a Positivity Challenge that starts on July 15th. I am SO excited for this, you should head right […]