Happy New Year!
Finding Zen
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Bash-ism on Love
Bash-isms have become my favorite bits of wisdom I’ve received. Though less than a decade he has lifetimes of wisdom in him. Read on…
Teenage Angst
As teenagers the hormones are like an active volcano ready to erupt at any time. Who did you listen to when your angst was at a high?
Tribal War
In the modern world people would probably say that Tribes do not exist any more. I disagree.
October 1st – New Ritual
Silence is required, but so are rituals and here’s this months inspiration…
Wanderlust Squaw Valley – The Teachers
Over the years I have listened to podcasts featuring famous yoga teachers, many of these teachers teach at the Wanderlust festivals. It didn’t take me long to compile a list of teachers I HAD to learn from, through in some HAVE to events (SUP, hiking, flow classes, yin and meditation) and my days were full. […]