Hearts in the Ice

I have two of the worlds most typical boys. They fight.  They wrestle.  They like cars, superheroes and Legos.  Mostly they like to wrestle and not always with each other.  *                    *                    * A couple days ago, […]

King Luther

Bash came home from school last week excited to tell me about what he had learned that day. Bash: Momma, today we learned all about King Luther and all of the good things he did. Me: King Luther…King Luther…never heard of him. Bash: Yes you have, momma!  That robot voice on that song we like, […]

Case of the Barfies

 It really grosses me out when kids are barry sick. REALLY grosses me out. It’s even worse when they vomit outside of their own home. It does make me happy that I’m not a single parent.  While I’m soothing and racing them to the toilet my partner in crime deals with the dirty work.  Do […]

The Donut

Last week Bash’s teacher asked for a recent family picture.  They are working on a family unit in school and focusing on what it means to be part of a family and different responsibilities each family member has.  I have a lot of pictures of all of us but not many of all of us […]

Boys will be boys…

My mom has been telling me for weeks that my boys are BRATS.  She tells me this daily and she also says that I’m going to be in big trouble if I don’t do something now. I have two healthy boys full of energy and spunk.  Bash (5) is smart, caring & dramatic.  Lij (3) […]


There are Fit chicks and skinny chicks, they are very different.  The other day a friend of mine and I ran into a super fit chick.  It was during a yoga in the park session and this girl wasn’t overly flexible but her muscles were SO toned.  After the yoga session my friend and I […]

Mother’s Day Mayhem

On Mother’s Day I got to sleep in, I was served breakfast in bed with freshly squeezed orange juice and there was a vase of fresh picked flowers on the tray.  It was amazing and I am totally lying. I’ve gotten to celebrate being a mother for five years now.  Most of the years we’ve […]

Mommy Moments

Last Week my oldest woke in the middle of the night screaming.  I went into his room, he was laying at the foot of the bed.  I started rubbing his back trying to comfort him praying his younger roommate wouldn’t wake up as well.  I couldn’t get him to calm down or to tell me […]

Bad Mommy

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not revolutionizing parenting in any way. In fact I consider myself OLD SCHOOL. My parents grew up on spankings and that’s how I was raised too. I can only recall one time I got a spanking. I take that to mean 1. I was either good at […]

The Power of Om

Bash has started to yell. When he gets mad or frustrated he yells and it makes me realize he’s been around one of his Grandmothers a little too much. In an effort to calm this little anger ball and resume a Zen-like lifestyle, Operation Teach Kids to Meditate has begun. Sometimes I watch this little […]