First, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I love a good New Year, not so much the celebration with strangers over too many drinks BUT the fresh start and resolution portion is what I like the best. Do you set intentions or resolutions? I’ve been setting resolutions for years and I’m one of the few that keep them. […]
Sick of Mother
Do you ever miss the old days? You know the ones… where phones were attached to our homes instead of our hips. I do. I mean, I like the convenience of having Dr. Google, a camera, my phonebook and music all in one spot but this week I realized exactly HOW connected I am. It […]
Reading has always been one of my favorite pastimes and my imagination is wicked. That being said I can’t read Stephen King. I’ve been terrified of clowns ever since I tried reading IT. I didn’t even come close to finishing the book, I got maybe 2 chapters in and started losing sleep; I decided […]
New Year – New Resolutions!
Hello beautiful people! I hope your New Year celebration was amazing and left you eager to start this year. It’s going to be a great one! It took me a while but I have secured the goals I’d like to complete this year. Yoga…I need more of it in my life. To keep me accountable […]
Goal begins with GO
“A goal without a plan is just a wish” someone said once. Let’s turn those wishes into actions! I challenge you to come up with 5 goals and use the summer season to complete them. They do not have to be super challenging but they do have to be something that makes you want to […]
Happy New Year!
I don’t feel ready for this year. Time is consistent, it passes whether you’re ready or not. Now it’s day two of this New Year and I’m just not ready for it. Besides biking across MN, running virtual races and paying off a credit card I will also keep this list in mind. This […]