Un-becoming in 2015

The New Year. As the worst year of my life rounds out to end, I think not of the struggles that have dragged me down but of the battles I conquered. A friend of mine sent me this quote… It just makes so much sense to me. I don’t need to BECOME anything. I already […]


I realized yesterday that I didn’t really set out a welcome note…a what this blog is about note.  Here goes. I’m on a journey of self-acceptance.  My journey to discover Zen in my chaotic life all while including my two boys, two dogs, one cat and a child-like husband. Life is about balance. Balance between […]


Blood. It’s kind of gross, and a necessity. Yesterday I decided to complete one of my Day Zero goals of donating blood. While I was in the American Red Cross bus I was immediately surprised by the amount of things that make you ineligible to donate. Traveling to other countries, tattoos and piercings (all within […]

Following Footsteps

My dad is a guy’s guy. Mr. Fix-it, Dr. Dad, Jack-of-all-trades wrapped into one 6’2” package. He doesn’t hire out he fixes or invents a new workable solution. He’s stubborn, thinks he’s always right (which most of the time he is) and he’s the most generous person you’ll ever meet. As it turns out, if […]