Stone of Vision Mala

This Mala is perfect for balancing emotions with spirituality.  This Mala facilitates rebirthing, bringing to light and integrating insights from the past.  This is perfect for a person that has some past life healing. Components: Sandalwood, Unakite, and Sunstone Sandalwood helps calm and focus the mind. Unakite is a stone of vision.  It opens your […]

Free Expression Mala

This Mala is perfect for the person that needs a little help with communication. This Mala is made up of Sandalwood and Blue Crazy Lace Agates. Sandalwood is known for calming and focusing your mind. Blue Crazy Lace Agates is a wonderful healing stone. The soft calming energy of this stone brings peace of mind. […]

Stone of Evolution Mala

This Mala is perfect for the a more traditional meditator.  The person that likes a sense of uniqueness. Components: Sandalwood / Lava Beads / Buddha / African Turquoise The Guru bead is from an old Tibetan Mala. Sandalwood beads are said to help calm and focus your mind. Lava Beads are known for diffusing.  If […]

Mala 101

I have used a Mala in my meditation practice for a few years now. But what exactly are they?  Why do I hear 108 associated with it?  What are they made of? How do you use them? In short Mala’s are meditation garlands.  They are used in meditation or prayer to keep you focused on […]

Identity Crisis

Remember that scene from the Sixth Sense, where Bruce Willis realizes he’s not alive? That’s kind of how I’ve been feeling lately. It started a couple months ago when I went to the DMV to renew my tabs on my truck.  The DMV sent me a letter with all of my details on it reminding […]


School gets out tomorrow. All week long, I’ve been counting down they days until my freedom is gone.  Today, I tried to make it to a yoga class but I just couldn’t get my motivation together.  The dreaded feeling of loosing all of my freedom has hit me HARD. I’m not one of those chicks […]

The Bandwagon

Technically I fell off the bandwagon. Not the drinking bandwagon but rather, my promises and resolutions to myself bandwagon. It’s interesting to me how often I put my needs in a back corner, spread myself a little too thin and give in to what others need.  Maybe that’s just being a mother. Maybe I’m a […]

Sick of Mother

Do you ever miss the old days? You know the ones… where phones were attached to our homes instead of our hips. I do. I mean, I like the convenience of having Dr. Google, a camera, my phonebook and music all in one spot but this week I realized exactly HOW connected I am.  It […]


I go through phases, just like the moon. But…don’t we all? Motivation will be UP and working out is easy, cleaning the house is effortless and my life is right on track.  Then, in a blink of an eye, I realize the kids laundry hasn’t been done and we haven’t eaten anything that resembles fresh […]