I Miss You.

It’s your birthday today. I’d like to take this moment to say… I Miss You. And, if it makes a difference I’m reminded daily at how selfish I was with our “friendship”.  You were constantly there for me, available at every single hour, offering more guidance and wisdom than I ever though possible. You carried […]


Do you believe that everyone you meet has a lesson for you to learn on your journey? I do too.  If you answered no, I’d really like to chat with why you don’t think so, because I think that especially the people we DON’T get along with probably have the most to teach us.  But […]

Aging at it’s finest

For the longest time (I’m talking about YEARS) I only claimed 29 years.  I never claimed to be older, but once I turned 29 I just didn’t want to be any older.  This is due to a number of reasons including but not limited to: my grandmother claiming only 35 years…I guess I didn’t want […]

Five Days – School Starts

If counting down the days to school start makes you a bad mom, than consider me terrible…at least for the last week or so. I like being at home with my monsters.  I think the bonding that happens over good days, bad days and the in-between days is irreplaceable.  However, when you work nights, sign […]


I love a good road trip.  This year, the road trip to Michigan was even better than previous years. My parents called us and told me that it took them 8 hours to drive, what normally takes 2 through Chicago. Say WHAT? Not a chance in HELL do I want to sit in that type […]

Laughter Yoga – Funny?

I feel sorry for my friends. If “we age not by years, but by stories” over the weekend, I aged. * * * During the yoga teacher training program we had some keynote speakers. Michelle went over cueing and being a “bad” student so our cueing could be on point. I. Could. NOT. Stop. Laughing. […]


This posting once a month BS has GOT to stop… If anyone has any suggestions on how to get more consistent, I’m all ears. My planner plan OBVIOUSLY isn’t working. End rant. Almost. I think it’s because when I get into this rhythm of posting here, Facebook and Instagram my husband starts to call me […]

Words Have Power

I’m reminded of my childhood and some of the best advice to this day came from Disney movies. “Never look back darling, it distracts from the now.” Edna Mode – The Incredibles “Sometimes, the right path is not the easiest one.” Grandmother Willow – Pocahontas The one that sticks out and inspires this post is: […]

Change – not coins

One post a month just won’t do. I promise I’ll get better.  My intentions are there but time swiftly moves at a pace I can not catch. Until now. I consider myself a kind, giving and thoughtful person.  More often than not “thoughtful” becomes “over-thinking”.  Although I’m a planner, my husband is quick to point […]