Slowing down

It seems most people value success on how busy they are.  The PTA leader is also the soccer coach, the swim team chauffeur, the blue ribbon bake sale winner, the mother of the year, running for city council and has an impeccable kept house, not to mention well-mannered children. When did over committing become the […]

Vibrate Higher

The nicest woman lives across the street from the bar I work at.  She has one of those old names that her kids probably thanked God they didn’t get but their kids will probably bring it back.  Old names get trendy like that.  You don’t want to get stuck with it, but you’ll probably end up […]


Normally I don’t post about news stories.  But something in this tragedy has spoken to me. *                    *                    * I don’t remember what year I realized that negative words have immense power.  I think it was in high […]

and…I’m Back!

About a month ago, I realized I can’t do it all.  I can’t juggle being a full time mom, wife, keeping the house clean, having two part-time jobs, try to be an ambassador for a few companies, post on social media and keep up on my blog.  Things suffered, things were done at a half […]

Success & Moms SUCKING.

Success has been bothering me lately.  Not because I have an over abundance of it but more of the lacking feeling. It started about six months ago.  I was chatting with a very unique individual, her uniqueness stems from her mean characteristics.  She had recently changed jobs and was promoted in a BIG way.  Sure, she’s […]

Meditation Monday – April

Mudra, Mudra, Mudra… this month is a good one!  Kali Mudra. This month we’re going to turn inward, destroy any negativity and be open for what the season changes will bring! The mudra this month is created after Kali, the God of Empowerment, Creation and Power.  She is also known as the destroyer. Interlace your fingers keeping your index […]

The Juggle Act.

Circus, clowns, fire rings…those things have never really been “my thing”, but I’ve ALWAYS been amazed at the jugglers.  Especially those that juggle eggs.  If you drop a baseball or a tennis ball there really isn’t any consequences but if you drop an egg, there is a mess.  If you drop a boiled egg you […]


I just wanted to post a quick update… In case you don’t know, I work in the Tax and Financial field so my work hours have gone UP which is all and fine, except some things suffer…like blog posting time. 😉   Only about a month left and then all will be well! I did, however, […]

Young Love

Who cured cooties?  And how did I miss that memo? Within the first week of Kindergarten my boy came home with his first crush.  I thought I had a couple years ahead of me before THAT would happen. ** My sons class was going to Disney on Ice for a field trip and I felt […]