
It’s been lurking in the shadows, ready to jump out and attack. Before I was ready, it was here… My birthday. Honestly, I can’t believe I’m turning 29 (AGAIN) in two days. You read that right.  I’ll be turning 29 again, and I don’t care one bit that I’ve had a few (Ok, more than […]

Holiday Gift Guide

If you can believe it, the holidays are already upon us.  If you’re like me, you haven’t finished your shopping yet.  Here are some really good gift ideas for any last minute shopping and if you hurry they can still get to you in time for Christmas! Surprise candles.  These candles are kind of two […]

Rock your weird.

I married a class A weirdo.  If you have ever met him, you know I’m not lying.  If he isn’t trying to convince me he was an opera singer in his past life by singing opera style music at the top of his lungs then he’s contorting his face and holding the face poses until I […]

MN Blog Conference Re-Cap

This year, by the generosity of my friends, I was able to attend the MN Bloggers Conference.  I’ve been writing on a blog for about 3 years and I haven’t even heard of this conference (insert embarrassed emoji). The problem is I haven’t networked much.  I was beyond excited to attend the conference just for […]

Pursue Within is on ETSY!

I’m excited to announce that I have officially created an Etsy store and the Malas I make are now available to buy! Meditation has been an important part of my journey.  It has been the one thing that has made the biggest impact on my life.  If you’ve never practiced you should start.  I practice daily.  […]

Case of the Barfies

 It really grosses me out when kids are barry sick. REALLY grosses me out. It’s even worse when they vomit outside of their own home. It does make me happy that I’m not a single parent.  While I’m soothing and racing them to the toilet my partner in crime deals with the dirty work.  Do […]

The Donut

Last week Bash’s teacher asked for a recent family picture.  They are working on a family unit in school and focusing on what it means to be part of a family and different responsibilities each family member has.  I have a lot of pictures of all of us but not many of all of us […]


I never really considered myself a procrastinator.  If I put things off, I generally forget about it all together.  Maybe it’s from a concussion I had maybe it’s just me.  I’m not really sure.  Today I felt like the BIGGEST procrastinator. *               *           […]

Leave the Flock

Back in July there was a Fierce Forward meet up.  It was a day of bootcamp, yoga, walk of intention, vision boarding, picture taking and closed the night out with dinner and drinks.  It was incredible.  Every single woman there was extremely different but there we were, together, moving fiercely through whatever life was throwing […]


There are lessons to be learned everywhere. A couple Wednesday’s ago, my littlest one had his tonsils removed. This particular hospital did the surgery’s in order of youngest to oldest. This worked out great because my little guy could sleep on the way to the hospital, wake up, get checked in, have the surgery and […]