I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not revolutionizing parenting in any way. In fact I consider myself OLD SCHOOL. My parents grew up on spankings and that’s how I was raised too. I can only recall one time I got a spanking. I take that to mean 1. I was either good at […]
Author: Jes
Church Going
I am a churchgoer. I have been for a long time, but I rarely talk about it. Mostly because I don’t know many bible stories and I haven’t ever been confirmed. I was born in Colorado, and lived in an extremely small town. The town had maybe 6 families living there. (I was young; I […]
One Up
Everywhere you look everyone is trying to one up each other. My kid’s an honor student, my dad is stronger than your dad, ect… Some people may not even say it but if you tell them an accomplishment of yours right away their mind goes to a better accomplishment they have achieved. Why is that? […]
I Love my Girlfriends
Girlfriends are amazing and should be appreciated. Girlfriends are there during the good, the bad and the ugly haircuts. Always reinforcing everything you need to hear exactly when you need to hear it. About 10 years ago, I had been dating my now husband for a little while. I had been introduced to quite a […]
- Finding Zen
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A little after motherhood is when I noticed that me had left. Now I’m trapped in this parallel universe somewhere between the life I have and the life I feel I should have. Claustrophobia isn’t an issue because the space between the two lives is immense. How does one stray so far off the path? […]
The Power of Om
Bash has started to yell. When he gets mad or frustrated he yells and it makes me realize he’s been around one of his Grandmothers a little too much. In an effort to calm this little anger ball and resume a Zen-like lifestyle, Operation Teach Kids to Meditate has begun. Sometimes I watch this little […]
- Finding Zen
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One Legged Yogi
I love the idea of Yoga. Probably I’m infatuated with the practice. Who doesn’t want to be fit, tone and all bendy and stuff? Often I picture myself as a yogi, just trapped behind this thin shell waiting to be cracked open. Monday I was slightly fractured. Because I didn’t have to pay for daycare […]
Respecting Elders
My parents taught me to respect elders, no matter the age difference. Everyone has something to share that you could potentially learn from. Saturday I was at a Christmas party amongst elders, chatting with this really fun woman about 15 years my senior. This woman is pretty amazing; she’s had some hard times, but ALWAYS […]
How do you get it, sustain it and why does it seem like the people that should have it don’t and the people that shouldn’t have more than enough? My girlfriends and I used to meet for a monthly dinner and drinks date. We’d fill everyone in on what’s going on during the appetizers and […]
My husband told me
My husband told me today that I talk about doing, more than I actually do and I quit working out at the exact time that the reps matter the most. The most disheartening thing about both of these statements is they are both T.R.U.E. He’s right. I’m guilty as charged. Lock me up and throw […]