
This posting once a month BS has GOT to stop… If anyone has any suggestions on how to get more consistent, I’m all ears. My planner plan OBVIOUSLY isn’t working. End rant. Almost. I think it’s because when I get into this rhythm of posting here, Facebook and Instagram my husband starts to call me […]

Reset Button

Yesterday morning was something else. It. was. bad. I had worked the night before and was running on just a few hours of sleep.  Lij had the girls class, which he does NOT care for.  And in general were coming off of a 18 days of no routine.  All of us were having trouble adjusting.  It […]

Boycotting Christmas

I’ve never been a fan of my birthday. You’re probably thinking, YEAH RIGHT! But it’s true.  I’ve never been a fan of it. For a long time I assumed I wasn’t a fan because of the aging aspect that comes with it.  Another year older… not getting wise but getting wrinkles isn’t exactly fair in […]

Meet Mike

  When I became a mom I realized how special Christmas can be.  A child’s eyes can light up on their birthday but the magic Christmas has on kids is special.  My boys are getting older I am terrified the magic will run out before I’ve had enough time to soak it all in.  I’ve […]


There is a description of the word boy that goes something like: noise with dirt on it. When you have two boys that noise and dirt multiply. If they aren’t running around screaming, skateboarding inside, dressing in costume fighting the bad guys, creating life size hot wheel tracks, building forts out of every blanket we […]

Slowing down

It seems most people value success on how busy they are.  The PTA leader is also the soccer coach, the swim team chauffeur, the blue ribbon bake sale winner, the mother of the year, running for city council and has an impeccable kept house, not to mention well-mannered children. When did over committing become the […]

The Juggle Act.

Circus, clowns, fire rings…those things have never really been “my thing”, but I’ve ALWAYS been amazed at the jugglers.  Especially those that juggle eggs.  If you drop a baseball or a tennis ball there really isn’t any consequences but if you drop an egg, there is a mess.  If you drop a boiled egg you […]

Rock your weird.

I married a class A weirdo.  If you have ever met him, you know I’m not lying.  If he isn’t trying to convince me he was an opera singer in his past life by singing opera style music at the top of his lungs then he’s contorting his face and holding the face poses until I […]

Boys will be boys…

My mom has been telling me for weeks that my boys are BRATS.  She tells me this daily and she also says that I’m going to be in big trouble if I don’t do something now. I have two healthy boys full of energy and spunk.  Bash (5) is smart, caring & dramatic.  Lij (3) […]


Our family operates like a sailboat.  My husband is the sails, my oldest the waters on which we move, my youngest the crew and I’m the boat. When my husband isn’t feeling well it’s like the sails aren’t up.  We’re still afloat and surviving just not moving that quick.  When my youngest is sick he […]