Injuries, Empathy and Aftermath

The biggest bruise/injury I ever had happened on July 4, 2021.

It wasn’t from fireworks.

It wasn’t from drinking.

It was from some good ol’ family fun and the lessons I’ve learned are STILL coming.

What’s your biggest injury?
What was your biggest bruise?

Social Hiatus

Do you ever stop and look in the mirror and wonder, ”when the HELL did that happen”? Maybe you aged 5 years, maybe you put on 20 pounds, maybe you look like Courtney Love but went to bed feeling like Heidi Klum. So…when the HELL does it happen? For me, it took two years. Two […]

Confession of a Love Affair

I have a confession to make. It’s about a love affair and rekindling a flame that shouldn’t have been extinguished. It IS needed and I plan on sneaking away every chance I get. Is there guilt associated with it? Absolutely NOT and find out why on the blog…