This post is not about wiener dogs, but it is about wieners. Last week I was changing into my pajamas when my oldest walks into the room and says to me, “Mom, your butt’s too big for those undies”. I didn’t even get mad. That little voice inside of me told me, “someday he’ll […]
What the FUNK?
Does anyone else feel like their life is COMPLETELY disrupted by the solar eclipse? My life, on the outside, hasn’t really seen much change, however, I feel like that eclipse has torn through the life of ones I care about and not in a particularly good way. For instance, my partner in crime at work… […]
I Miss You.
It’s your birthday today. I’d like to take this moment to say… I Miss You. And, if it makes a difference I’m reminded daily at how selfish I was with our “friendship”. You were constantly there for me, available at every single hour, offering more guidance and wisdom than I ever though possible. You carried […]
Do you believe that everyone you meet has a lesson for you to learn on your journey? I do too. If you answered no, I’d really like to chat with why you don’t think so, because I think that especially the people we DON’T get along with probably have the most to teach us. But […]
Apple Watch
Call me old school, but I don’t love being attached to my phone. I don’t love that people assume you’ll respond to texts or emails .2 seconds after receiving them. Maybe it’s because I like to think before I respond or maybe I just want to be an introvert and live in a hole. That […]
Aging at it’s finest
For the longest time (I’m talking about YEARS) I only claimed 29 years. I never claimed to be older, but once I turned 29 I just didn’t want to be any older. This is due to a number of reasons including but not limited to: my grandmother claiming only 35 years…I guess I didn’t want […]
Five Days – School Starts
If counting down the days to school start makes you a bad mom, than consider me terrible…at least for the last week or so. I like being at home with my monsters. I think the bonding that happens over good days, bad days and the in-between days is irreplaceable. However, when you work nights, sign […]
I love a good road trip. This year, the road trip to Michigan was even better than previous years. My parents called us and told me that it took them 8 hours to drive, what normally takes 2 through Chicago. Say WHAT? Not a chance in HELL do I want to sit in that type […]
Laughter Yoga – Funny?
I feel sorry for my friends. If “we age not by years, but by stories” over the weekend, I aged. * * * During the yoga teacher training program we had some keynote speakers. Michelle went over cueing and being a “bad” student so our cueing could be on point. I. Could. NOT. Stop. Laughing. […]
- Family
- ...
This posting once a month BS has GOT to stop… If anyone has any suggestions on how to get more consistent, I’m all ears. My planner plan OBVIOUSLY isn’t working. End rant. Almost. I think it’s because when I get into this rhythm of posting here, Facebook and Instagram my husband starts to call me […]